Oxford Latin Course

Meet Quintus: Oxford Latin Course Review

Meet Quintus Meet Quintus - Quintus Horatius Flaccus, that is.  We generally call him Horace, one of the greatest poets of antiquity.  He's best known today among non-Latinists for his phrase carpe diem (Horace, Odes 1.11). And meet Quintus we do, on the very first page of Maurice Balme's and James Morewood's Oxford Latin Course. The student's … Continue reading Meet Quintus: Oxford Latin Course Review

Gettysburg, Bishops, Androids, and Latin - Fr. Corby

Gettysburg, Bishops, Androids, and Latin?

The Connection  Gettysburg, Bishops, and Androids. What, you may wonder, is the connection?  And what do they have to do with Latin? Well, as we'll see, Latin is the connection. Allow me to explain. https://vimeo.com/952952871?share=copy Gettysburg, Bishops, Androids, and Latin? What's the connection? Well, let me tell you . . . Let's start with Gettysburg. I'm … Continue reading Gettysburg, Bishops, Androids, and Latin?