Don’t Let the Subjunctive Wear You Down

The Subjunctive will wear you down if you let it. Independent subjunctives, subordinate subjunctives . . . Cum sometimes means “since,” but it can also mean almost the opposite, “although.”  And what’s with all those different clauses (is it 5 of them, or 6) that start with ut?

Prose, by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 1879

Help is on the way!  But first let me address the somewhat distasteful topic of filthy lucre (i.e., money).  To begin with, I started this website as a way of sharing my almost four decades of experience teaching Latin.  I address various topics of interest here in the blog, and I make some other resources available as well. For instance, there are my videos series on Classical and Ecclesiastical Pronunciation, some free downloads, with more planned for the future. I’ve also posted some videos I made Just For Fun.

Since I’ve acquired more Latin-related books than I can use over the years, it seemed natural to sell used books here as well.  I have a few available already, and there will be more when I find the time to create the listings.  Not only that, I’ve also been selling a few of my homemade digital resources in the Teachers Pay Teachers forum. It made sense to list those here, too.  Except at a lower price that I’m asking on TPT.

Latin Subjunctive Suite  

What I’m getting at is that from time to time, I’ll use the blog to talk about a new product.  This is one of those times.  The good news is this Latin Subjunctive Suite is a great tool for introducing or reviewing the most common uses of the subjunctive mood in Latin.  There are so many ways the subjunctive mood can affect the sense of a verb in Latin. This package gathers and organizes all the various different uses in one place.

Latin Synopsis Suite

I developed this suite of activities over several decades of helping third- and fourth-year Latin students master the intricacies of the subjunctive. I’ve been developing and refining the explanations and practice sentences constantly over that time in response to my students’ input. I’m now sharing the fruit of their experience and mine.

What’s Inside

This package provides brief descriptions of all the main uses of the subjunctive, along with helpful explanations of how context clues in the sentence can help you understand what a particular subjunctive form is trying to tell you.

The content is separated into seven lessons, each covering 3-4 different uses of the subjunctive.  Each lesson also contains explanations, examples, and practice sentences. You can find a free sample download of one of the lessons below:

Sample Lesson: Intro to Subordinate Subjunctives Part A:

The packet also includes a more concise summary of subjunctives on one two-sided handout (free version here), an answer key for the practice sentences, and a final review activity with key.

Each lesson can be downloaded and printed.  They can be used as primary instructional resources, as review activities, or as reference resources for students to keep in their notebooks.

 How it Works 

Relief of Scribe from Tomb in Flavia Solva, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

As I mentioned above, the lessons are designed to introduce learners to individual uses of the subjunctive mood.  They are also designed to serve as a well organized reference for students (or DIY Latin learners) to keep in their notebooks.

The lessons are listed and numbered here for ease of use as a reference.  You don’t need to work through them in that order. I don’t do that myself, as a matter of fact. I usually start with the Independent Subjunctives Part A, for instance, but then move on to Subordinate Subjunctives Parts A & B before doing Conditions and Cum Clauses.  You can follow whatever order works for you.

Included in the package:  

-1. Uses of the Subjunctive Mood In Brief

-2. Intro to Independent Subjunctives Part A: Hortatory, Jussive, and Deliberative

-3. Intro to Independent Subjunctives Part B:Potential & Optative

-4. Intro to Conditions in the Subjunctive: Future Less Vivid, Present & Past Contrary to Fact

-5. Intro to Cum Clauses in the Subjunctive: Circumstantial, Causal, Concessive

-6. Intro to Subordinate Subjunctives, Part A: Adverbial Purpose, Relative Purpose, Indirect Command, Clause After Fearing

-7. Intro to Subordinate Subjunctives, Part B: Adverbial Result, Substantive Result, Relative Characteristic, Indirect Question

-8. Intro to Subordinate Subjunctives, Part C: Relative Clause in Indirect Discourse, Dum Purpose, Clause after Doubting, Refusing, or Resisting

-9. Answer Key for Subjunctive Practice Sentences

-10. Review of All Uses of the Subjunctive Mood

-11. Review of All Uses of the Subjunctive Mood