Just For Fun

Back in the Bad Old Days of COVID Lockdowns and whatnot, I learned video editing in an attempt to connect better with remote students. I had some fun along the way (with a purpose, of course). It was not just for fun, of course. You can see some of the more serious results (but not too serious) on the pronunciation pages. The music videos below, however, were not intended to be instructional.

It’s not that they’re pointless. I did have a pedagogical purpose in mind (at least for the first two). I came up with the idea for the first video one day when Pat Benatar’s “We Belong” was playing on the car radio. When I heard the line “I see your face everywhere” I immediately thought of Dido in Book IV of Vergil’s Aeneid. The music video followed naturally.

The video for “Love Hurts” developed organically from a class in which we were reading Catullus. Odi et Amo anyone?

I can’t really offer a justification for “Numb as a Hake” other than I used to live in Maine and, well, let’s just say it brings back memories. Ayuh!

So please take a few minutes to check out the videos below. They may help you appreciate the work of Vergil and Catullus better . . . or not. Either way, it’s just for fun.

We Belong – Pat Benatar, Dido, and Aeneas
Love Hurts – Nazareth, Lesbia, Catullus, & The Sparrow
Numb as a Hake – The Wicked Good Band (sorry, no Latin connection, but Gene Kelly does make a cameo appearance)

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