Learn Latin 21st Century Style

The opportunity to learn Latin anywhere, anytime, is an amazing thing.  The ideal, of course, is to learn from a knowledgeable teacher, face to face.  But suppose that teacher lives hundreds or thousands of miles away? Or isn’t available when you are? Online classes are a great alternative that simply wasn’t available to earlier generations of Latin learners.

I’ve recently started taking fuller advantage of the wonders of modern technology by creating online classes. On this page you can find links to courses I’ve published on Udemy and maybe, in the future, other platforms as well. There will also be discount coupons from time to time.

Right now I have only one active class:  Mastering the Ablative Case in Latin: 20 Uses Made Easy.  At the beginning of 2024 I hope to have an Introduction to Latin class following the text Latin for the New Millennium up and running. I have some other projects on the way as well.  Keep your eyes on this space!

Available Online Classes

Mastering the Ablative Case in Latin: 20 Uses Made Easy

 Now through March 8th only $12.99 for lifetime access! Promo code: Latin_Ablative_2_25

Coming Soon

Introduction to Latin following Latin for the New Millennium ch.s 1-12